Live, Virtual or Hybrid Events

by Stacy DeMarse in Trends Uncategorized at January 7, 2021

Live, Virtual or Hybrid Events – Which Event Experience is Best for Your Organization?

The common goal of any event is to bring people together for a shared experience, which Before COVID-19 (BC-19) was unanimously planned to have an in-person event experience. Now, there are three event experiences organizations need to consider before planning events for 2021 and beyond: In-Person, Hybrid, and Virtual.

How do you know which approach is the best for your event? It boils down to a number of different factors—including the goal of your event, size, budget, timeline, and the location of your attendees. Each event approach provides its own unique benefits.

Here is a quick guide to help you determine which type of event is right for you.

In-Person Events: The most effective form of communication & experience

There is nothing better than face-to-face interactions. Body language is a huge factor in communication – Postures, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements are best translated live.


  • Relationship Building – #1 Reason People Attend Events
  • Micro Experiences – Allows You to Create Collaborative & Authentic Engagement
  • Speakers Connect – Speakers Feed Off Audience Interaction




  • Cancellation Fears – We Have Already Been Through It Once!
  • Altered Experience –Live Events Will Not Be the Same
  • Unknowns – How Will You Document Who Is Vaccinated?
  • Attendance – Will Enough People Feel Comfortable Attending?
  • Event Space Concerns – More Space, Less People, Higher AV Budget

Virtual Events: Faster turnaround, lower cost, broader reach

Thanks to COVID, virtual events took the event industry by storm and continue to reign as the event experience of choice with organizations due to health, safety and in some markets because it is the only option with government restrictions

For longer-form programming, and where face-to-face interaction is a primary goal, in-person or hybrid event formats typically will work best.


  • Broader Reach & Impact
  • Attendance is Easy – Last Minute Marketing Push
  • Shorter Planning Cycle – No Venue or Travel to Coordinate
  • Prolonged Exposure – Video Asset to Provide Post Event Marketing
  • No Cancellation Fears – No Covid-19 Contract Clauses to Navigate


  • Limited face-to-face Interactions – It’s Hard to Connect Virtually
  • Distractions – You No Longer Have A Captive Audience
  • Limited Duration – Keeping Attention for Long Periods is Challenging
  • No Show Rate – Is Typically Higher, There is No Skin in the Game
  • Technology Doesn’t Always Cooperate – It’s Technology, Nothing More to be Said!

Hybrid Events: Flexibility to reach the greatest number of attendees

Hybrid events offer the best of both worlds. Allowing attendees to participate from wherever they reside offers flexibility and allows you to expand your reach, but this experience comes with a higher price tag.


  • Broadest Reach & Impact – Create Dual Marketing Strategy
  • Attendees Have Options – Still Allows the Last-Minute Marketing Push
  • Less Risk – Room Blocks Can Be Smaller. When You Sell Out, Virtual is Still Available
  • Face-to-Face Interactions – Relationship Building is the #1 Reason People Attend Events
  • Prolonged Exposure – Video Asset to Provide Post Event Marketing


  • Cost – 1.5 to 2 Times the Cost of Live Events Due to Additional Technology + Staffing
  • Workload – 2 Times the Workload, You are Simultaneously Planning 2 Different Event Experiences
  • Technology Doesn’t Always Cooperate – It’s Technology, Nothing More to be Said!

As you can see from reading the pro’s and con’s, none of the paths forward are the same impact to your budget or the same experience for your attendees as pre-Covid-19 events. Let our team of seasoned event professionals walk you through options and help you figure out what path works best for you. No matter which path you select, DeMarse Meetings will be with you every step of the way.


Events are hard, we provide solutions! Contact us today, we would love to connect.